sCool time

Project overview
The project is aimed to understand the design process of creating a tangible and feasible solution from scratch. During the project, I researched by interviewing our users, students, to create a potential solution for the commute that can help them in increasing productivity which will result in optimum utilization of their time.
Also, during the process, we looked into the accessibility of screens and how we can make them useful for the majority of users.
UX and UI Design
User interviews
4 weeks
A post-secondary student who finds it hard to manage their time during the commute and at school wants to utilize their time responsibly so that they can improve their academic performance by being productive.
The project brief was to design an app for solving a real-world problem for students. As a recent student in Canada, I faced multiple problems while commuting between college and home. To address the same issue, I looked into the problems faced by students who commute by their own car by interviewing them.
The final outcome of this project is an app, sCool time, which is an organizer for students that allows them to organize their day at school. It allows them to organize their time while commuting and when they are in school.
Total participants:6
Questions asked during the interview:
1. How did you come to the college today? How far do you live from college?
2. How much time does it take for your commute? Does it take the same time every day or does it varies?
3. When and how do you plan your commute?
4. What’s the most important thing to you when you are commuting to school?
5. Are there any public transport available to you? If yes, then, do you prefer public or personal? Why?
6. What do you do during the commute?
7. Do you face any difficulty when you are travelling?
8. If there was one thing that you could change in your experience, what would that be? Why?

Student in Ontario
- Lives nearby college and drives to college.
- Has some experience living in Canada.
- Wants to utilize the time of commute so that they can study for the class work.
Pain points
-are constantly worried about traffic
-does not want to waste the time of their commute
-has to focus on the navigation
Information architecture

Information architecture helped me to form a basic idea of how the app flow will look like. It provided the flexibility to change and iterate quickly. After coming up with information architecture, I sketched lo-fi wireframes which become the foundation of the app.

lo-fi sketches

Initial iterations
While making initial iterations for the app screens, I simplified it further to make them more clean and usable. The process helped me to learn how features are distributed within the app and how to make them simpler.
Accessibility check for screens

Colour blindness test

Testing prototype in Daylight
Biggest challenge I faced during the project
In this project, I found it really hard to check the accessibility guidelines for buttons and icons. I went through various articles and blog posts to see how to check the accessibility of the icons. I was able to check the accessibility of colour through the plug-in Figma but could not verify the same for buttons and icons.
How I addressed the problem?
I checked the accessibility guidelines from and Apple developer's system. It was challenging to check the icons and buttons, but I figured that I'd have to use the guidelines and make their size and dimensions accordingly to make them more universal and inclusive.
What did I learn?
During the project, I learned that simplicity is a key. I started making wireframes by adding various elements to them. It got crowded initially, and then I had to filter down elements that were unnecessary or redundant. My initial wireframes were drastically different from the final iterations.
For checking accessibility, it is not easy to check and verify all the elements in the design. Sometimes we have to test on our own to understand the target user and their needs.
Final screens

Log-in screen: Allows the users to sign in using their school id.

Dashboard: Class schedules, commutes, and events are accessible for quick understanding.

Commute: Users can listen to lectures/notes for the duration of their commute.

Commute: Users can set various options to utilize their time on the commute.

Classes: Users can manage their classes and access the location and time.